Thursday, August 28, 2008

lawatan ke parlimen..besh~

hi every body..
yesterday aku g lawatan ke parlimen just the day Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim angkat sumpah sbg ahli parlimen yg br n sekaligus sbg ketua pembangkang..i was curious to see him..but our group will enter de parliment pkul that time,many of member of parliment dh xde..tu yg org ckp...n my aunty say impossible Mr A ade kat ctu..but that impossible turn into reality when i see him sat in front of Pak lah..during that time, they were discussing regarding the DNA 1st, mmg agak boring..mase si hamid albar tu ckp bosan giler sy...dh dkat nk abis tuh br syok...aku tgk org2 government pon br suh g berbahas,dorg curik tulang plak..pembangkang was very active in debating the issue..i guess they supposed to be like that pon..if not..ape gune kite lantik dorg sbg pembangkang many many objection..during that time..YB from pokok sena yg agak popular..smpi si hamid albar kot yg ckp Yb ni dh selalu sgt dok atas pokok kot..i was surprised by his word.he not supposed to say like that..they are old people n they supposed to use matured word..lg2 kene la professional..Yb pokok sena pon sound la si hamid albar tuh..kene sebijik..hehehe..i saw KJ(was YM with somebody that time..ape tgh berbincang pon smpt YM gak..)nazri samsudin...jamaludin jarjis,azalina,pak lah,najib(was sitting beside hamid albar..). for the opposition i saw MR. A(admire him..),azmin ali,anak karpal singh,nuruk izzah,dato lolo(my place representative..) n many more..

before g parlimen..

aizat take pic of abg shak..

bile dh debate mcm2..the opposition ask hamid albar to answer a question regarding the issue..however he refused to answer.then many oppostion mmber berdiri..they wanna say something however the mic was not function..(i guess the mic was off utk xbg oppostion ckp..kesian dorg..seems like they are not given any change to object dan hanya attend dewan tuh utk dgr je ape si hamid albar tuh ckp...ape la..mcm tuh xde gune la depa kat situ kalo stakat mendengar..suddenly,when the house is going hot and hot...Mr. A bgn n trus kuar dr dewan..di ikuti oleh sume oppostion mmbr..and the BN mmbr..they laugh..they boooo...dorg lambai2 smbil gelak seems like they want to conquered the dewan...they really happy as the opposition walk out..b4 we go out,yg dipertua dewan aman sikit dewan kite ni kan..diikuti oleh org2 BN he can say like shows that he is pro to the BN side..

happy being here...

this is the scenario on 28 August 2008.all of this are reality. im not reka any story..this is the situation happened in front of me..from this visit,i can see clearly that BN didnt want opposition to be there..itu xpttnye berlaku..kalo dorg tuh mmg betul,why should afraid to the opposition?they should welcome the opposition mmber..kalo btul2 hero..kenapa takut utk berlawan..n u people dont think yg oppostion kuar tuh sbb dorg kalah or mengalah...dorg kuar sbb no function they stayed there.aku tgk pon geram gak..kalo org tgh bercakap,sepatutnye pihak yg 1 lg x..dorg bersorak la..bising la..booo la..mcm bdk kecik..i called it kurang ajar sgt..sbb sgt2 melampau..

im gonna be here again..InsyaAllah..

moral of the story, bwk la makcik2 n pakcik2 yg msih setia dgn that party tuh g parlimen.they will know the real situation and the real hero!yg kat tv tuh sume yg dh di cut..tnjuk yg baik je about that party and yg buruk je about another party..jgn terus tertipu dgn sandiwara politik negara..daaaa...

we will be here again...

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