Monday, August 18, 2008

perhentian island heaven!!

hi everbody..
aku br blk dr pulau perhentian, arini nk share some experience ngn korg mase aku kat far,i never been there tp dgr cite de island just like kate perhentian island ni lg cantik dr aku sefamily n my aunty's family pon bertolak dr umah aku pkul 8.30pm (15august)..smpi raub around pkul 11,ktrg sggah mkn plak sbb perut masing2 berkeroncong..then after an hour mkn,ktrg smbg journey blk.uncle drive,ktrg yg kat blakang ni ape lg..perut dh penuh,msing2 buat taik mata la..pkul 4 pg, we all smpi kat umah adik uncle pnye kwn..nama die kak jaah.die dok kat tok bali,kelantan.from her house to de jetty dh ktrg tido jap,sarapan..pekena nasi dagang,nasi berlauk,nasi kerabu n kuih lompat tikam,br ktrg pon gerak ke jeti.about half an hour dh smpi jetty.. smpi umah kak jaah...

sabtu (16/08/2008)

ktrg kuar dr umah kak jaah..pastu smpi jetty,uncle g uruskan ngn ejen pasal vacation ktrg ni..smpt lg aku snap pic smentra tgu dorg setle..

aku n taqim..ktrg xmndi lg sbb curious sgt nk mandi laut.hehehe..

pas tuh,ktrg dftar nama kat jabatan sume prosedur la.then ktrg kene byr sorg rm5 utk protection n maintenance fees for marine park..agak lame gak la ktrg kene tggu kat jetty coz nk kene tggu bot.dlm pkul 10am cmtuh br dpt naik bot..

aku n sepet.mase ni atas bot.tudung dh herot berot tetap kene snap pic gak..heheh..

around 30min, ktrg smpi kat pulau perhentian kecil.actually,kat cni byk pulau cume org ckp pulau perhentian kecil ni cantik n happening abis la..pulau perhentian besar plak rmai too crowded.xbesh la kan..another island is bubu island.aunty ckp bubu islan pon ok saje nk try la g pulau perhentian kecil..sgt cantik la pulau ni..air die very crystal clear,sand die very smooth..cantik la..muke ktrg pon masing2 penuh semangat tgk laut yg terbentang cepat2 ktrg g check in hotel..hati dh teruja nk jd bdk berendam ni..

we r norzlen's angel..hehheh...muke2 xmandi..

wah,smpt lg tgkp gmbr ngn mok..heheh..mmg aku ni minah cam nk wat cmne..huhu~

nama hotel yg ktrg duduk ni shari-la island resort..bukan shangri-la hotel ni mmg best la..mase ktrg smpi tuh br 1 bilik je dh sipa..lg 1 bilik plak dorg tgh bersihkan coz guest yg sebelum tuh br ktrg pon lepak kat bilik yg dh siap..bilik tuh ade 1katil queen size,1katil single size n then ktrg order 1extra bed la..bilik tuh ibu amik dulu.ibu,abah,mok n sepet sebilik..aku,aunty,uncle n taqim plak sebilik..bilik tuh siap ade tv,peti ais,aircond la..hrgapon xla la mahal sgt..semalam RM180 aku advise jgn jd cm ktrg.booked melalui agent so die up harge la..die charge ktrg RM230..xpe,mane tau kan..1st time pegi..dlm bilik sempat lg pose..aku kene hempap dek beruang kutub,anak gajah n sewaktu dgnnye..

pastuh ktrg pon siap2 nk g beach..yeyyy!

ya rabbi..cantek giler pantai die..aku mmg jatuh cintan abih la..sape kate malaysia xcantek??tell me..tell me!!cantek bangat..rase nk dok je kat tepi laut giler..teruja aku tgk laut yg amatla cantek..huhuhu..

dh mlm..g kuar cr mkanan tp by that time..(mase tuh br pukul 9.50pm..)sume kdai dh start tutup..uwaa..cmne nih??perut lapor dh ingat nk baham 2ekor ayam..kalo cmni ape yg nk aku baham??uwaaaa...end up..ktrg blk blik.naseb baik aunty bwk megi n roti n sup kimball..n so many ktrg pon dgn penuh rakus membaham mkanan yg ade...

pagi...17 august 2008...

bgn pagi trus g breakfat coz after this ktrg akan g wat aktiviti yg fun giler..makan secukup2nye dan mkann hotel ni xbyk variety pon..nak xnak..mkn jela..

testing mask b4 g snorkling..

sempat lg snap gmbr mase tgh tgu turn bot..

sempat lg snap pic ngn sepet mase atas bot.. la aktiviti yg plg fun giler..ktrg g snokling..sgt seronok..sgt besh..dpt swim..tgk ikan dgn lbh dekat..smpi kdg2 aku rase mcm aku ni tgh berenang ngn ikan2 tu je..mcm ikan duyung la plak..hehehe...

1st place ktrg g shark point..nmpk 2 ekor anak shark..huhuh..memula seram sbb just anak je..aku pon memberanikan diri..kalo ade mak n bpk shark,gerenti aku cabot!!!

2nd place ktrg g coral bay..kat cni pon ade anak shark plg byk coral la..cantikk..ade ikan nemo..ikan siakap merah..

3rd place ktrg g turtle point.memule abg tuh cari xjmpe2..lame gak abg tuh search..last2 jumpe sekor..ktrg pon ape lg..terjun!!besar giler turtle tu..die ade kat dasar laut n not moving.some of de foreigner dive smpi dasar n pgg turtle kak ngah ckp it is not good to touch turtle as there are so many bacteria kat cangkerang die tuh..heheh..tu kak ngah yg gtau coz die amik environmental science n used to snorkling many time with her lecturer..

pastuh,ktrg singgah mkn jap kat perkampungan penduduk kat aku nmpk org2 pulau tuh pnye rumah..

smbg blk snorkling after penuhkan isi perut..kali ni ktrg g lite house..byk giler ikan yg kcik2 tuh..cantik sgt..ktrg pon bg ikan ni mkn roti yg ibu bli mase kat kg penduduk tuh..seronok bile ikan makan kat tgn kt..smpi ibu mmbebel pon ktrg wat dono jer..abis seuku roti gardenia panjang tuh ikan mkn..ibu bengang je..ibu ckp kang kalo lapar,lantak la ikan mkn kenyang2..hehehe..sori ibu...

last place ktrg g romantic wo..mmg cantek..mmg romantic.kat cni byk gile gamat yg idup..bile swim tuh smpi terpijak gamat.geli la coz it very smooth n licin n lembik..

18 august 2008

hari ni nk blk dh..bile dh siap2,bot plak xdtg2.mase ktrg dh check out tu pkul hotel kate bot smpi pkul 4..nk tggu lame giler..ktrg pon g mkn..lepas mkn main bola tmpr pantai..abah plak xde die snap ler gmbr ktrg tnpa pengetahuan..hehehe..

cian uncle..penat giler tggu bot..smpi terbaring kat jeti...tu la kisah ktrg kat pulau perhentian kecil selama 3hari 2 conclude it,i was so happy being there..sgt berpuas hati except layanan org sane terhadap local peep.they only treat outside peeps good..i dont noe is very enjoyable vacation..!!

1 comment:

budak kecik said...

wah besnya...brape kos??
nnt nak ajk mak aku la plak.hahahahah